Monday, November 3

What I Think About Censorship?

Censorship is the suppression of speech or deletion of communicative material which may be considered objectionable, harmful or sensitive, as determined by a censor. In my opinion,i strongly belive that censorship is not a good idea in limiting the people's freedom.I love freedom,i want to do what i want without any limitations.If there is any censorship in the web we cannot do wathever we like.For example,if anyone in the country want to express their opinion about the goverment,some parties cannot accept it and they will limiting and block all the web page.We have our own freedom to show want we love or hate isnt it?If the goverment do anything that not suppose to be,the people should stand up and say out loud.Thus,what's the point of censor all the people's thoughts and idea?

Besides that,website such as Friendster,Facebook have censorship too.We cannot simply upload picture or photos contain nudity or violation.I think this is up to the web owner what they want to upload.If for me i like to upload what i feel that i love to,maybe it contain vilation or nudity?Who knows?But as long as i like then its my freedom right?Hence,i strongly disagreed the censorship.