Wednesday, December 16






I guess everything will be alright,

I think everything will be fine,

I think MAYBE this way is better^^



Tuesday, December 15


What the hell is gong on with me today?? I couldn't wake up early in the morning, i haven't started my revision for Microbiology and Organic lab test. Oh My God!!!! Today just not that into me,i guess. I totally screwed up my paper for Microbiology. WTF!!!!

Now im stuck in half way doing my Organic lab report...jeezzz...what a f-king day.Seriously,im not that OK today. Had a bad dream last night,grrrr...a**holes and jacka** appeared in my dream. HELL YEAH!! AGAIN!!At least give me some prediction on the questions that going to come out today.WTH!!

It started out kinda bad,i hope it will end it well tonight...>< Tomorrow exam again!!!!! I just want to get out of this,all this stuff that bother me!!


Sunday, December 13


原来妈妈什么都知道, 看来身为女儿的我, 要瞒着她也不是件很容易的事.

刚才妈妈打电话给我, 谈来谈去就说到了我的问题. 很奇怪她并没有骂我, 只是一直在跟我分析和安慰罢了. 突然感觉到妈妈已经不再当我是小孩子了, 不会再骂我了. 虽然我知道在这件事我的确是做了个错误的选择. 她说她当初要阻止我可是她又怕我怪她, 所以想说的话还是留在心里了. 我是明白她的苦心, 只是当初还是不听劝告.

后悔? 不后悔啦.. 是我的选择嘛…

她说: 感情事不可以拖泥带水, 要直接了当, 不可以见异思迁, 不可以捉摸不定. 有些人的背景, 我们完全不知道, 或许你是用最真诚的心对待他, 可是在这种复杂, 人心难测的社会里, 还是要真正的看清楚才做决定. 我觉得你那次做了个太快的决定, 你根本还看不清楚. 其实我的第六感告诉我已经有
我说: 其实你说的我都懂, 只是一时糊涂做了太快的决定. 要怪就怪我当初不听朋友的劝告. 不听你说. 很多东西发生了我没有告诉你和爸爸因为不要你们担心, 现在我好多了. 伤心归伤心可是生活还是要过, 还要读书, 还要考试啊. 所以你们就不要==太担心我了啦…我很好,没什么. 要成长过程中难免会遇到这些问题的, 我自己也应该学着如何去面对, 而不是一直靠你们啊.

其实, 听妈妈的话是没有错的. 父母说的话其实是没有错的, 越来越大了, 才会了解他们的苦心.

Whatever title la....

What a boring boring day you know?Classes finished already,stay at home doing nothing.Lazy to go out as in the weather HOT until I beh tahan.>< Yala,what also I cannot tahan mia.LOL.

Cannot believe that sem 3 already come to and end,LOL.Did I learnt anything this sem??Hmmm...let me think.Been through the 'Form 5' situation again,become more lazy...and what else??'wink' Oh ya,I know!! Learnt some new dishes from Chin and Tzu@@ Yeap,thats right.

Classes finished dy have more time to cook,eat, and sleep...Gosh!! put on more weight already lah...Geez,better put on more,when i go back to Malaysia,the hot freaking weather will burn off all my 'lemak'....XD

Anyway,now is the time to cook again!!! Ping pong piang~~~~