Saturday, October 11

my class lecturer ^@^

school starts 2molo,i miss malaysia but i miss my classmate and my lecturers too..hahaha~~expecially..dun tel u!!hahaha.

My class is internasional class,v r orang asing here..ahha~~the local people thought v r frm japn or korea.XD mayb they never see a real chinese before..wakaka.i wil jz tel them i frm japan,save my energy to explain to them..ahha~~my class i think got 25 students(if im not mistaken,cos im not gud in maths)haha~~shh,plz dun tel other people ya??

Our lecturers all vry friendly and kind but then when some of them teach during the class i think i jz day dreaming or sleepin wit eyes open.haha.I try 2 understand wat they teach but i stil cant make it.Our calculus teacher is pak nyoman,i tink shu wen gave him a new nick,mr smiley..haha~~u r gud la miss shu wen.he teach us patiently and smile the whole day.I hope tat he is tat kind in giving marks to my calculus paper.XP Mrs Fida our chemistry teacher,but its hard to hv chemistry with her,cos she is tooo cold n seldom communicate with us,mayb we shuld ask the most handsome guy in our class try to melt her heart.haha~~joking la.she is stren but she remember my name,tats the oni thing i can b proud of.wakaka.hmmm,and this cute lecturer with u noe who he is??yes,he is our physics lecturer mr satria.vicky anggap him as her idol.haha~~but he is cute,i tink the gals in our class hardly concentrate in the dump in physic,i duno how to pass my UTS.haiz..watever,jz try my best.aza-aza fighting!!!and this hip-hop style lecturer,Mr Budi.I think he is the most funny, and easy going lecturer in our class.He mayb look old but he has a young heart.i like his class the most,since i can laugh n talk.but after all those pressuring classes,his class is a refreshment.

Im a future pharmacist and this lecturer sure help me alot in this aspect.Mr fren call him lecturer frm holland cos he stayed in holland before,he wil tel us bout his history and his life.kinda interesting but its hard to concentrate during his class cos sum of the students are talking,including chee shu wen..haha~(i mentioned ur name twice offend,k??hehe)i talk too,so sorry.LOL.last but not least is ibu tyas and pak taufik,ibu tyas is a nice lady whom teach us bhs indon,my bhs indon is shit la.I have to learn if not its hard to get a fren here.tats wat i don't reali noe pak taufik cos v jz have his class once a week and he started to teach us 3 weeks ago.during his class nobody pay attention,but that subject is quite bored,i reali duno how to sit for the exam.Sweating.

However,I have to say thanx to all our class lecturer..thanx thanx...

haiz....damn sad 2day..

Raining again....i spend the whole day stay at home,i tink i nearly bcome a pig now..oink!oink!!ahha~~reali lazy to go out,i rather stay at home bcome a lazy bum.LOL.its cold of my fren frm bandung told me that those months which ended wit "ber" surely is raining season..Oh gosh,raining season??are u kidding me??i nid 2 go to uni everyday without a CAR.i hv 2 take my lil shaky blue umbrella and rush for angkot in rain.I cant imagine tat situation.hahaha.i wan my car.i dunlike angkot.Its very pack for most of the time,and the people in da angkot wil stare at us when v speak in diff language.OMG!!

But i hope v can extend our holiday, i can jz relax,chill and lazy at home with tat cozy feeling.haha~~but after lebaran v hv exam every friday,and i not yet study anythg..lazy mah.n our calculus result coming soon....deng,deng, i tried my best,so i jz 4gt it..

wat i did tis whole week?duno,but i spend most of the time messaging this cute and ganteng indonesia chinese guy..hahaha~~he is funy n he is nice..i like him very very much(ehem,as a fren.dun simply tink ya??)i LOVE to chat wit him,he wil take me to pagandaran during December!!YEAH!i was damn hapy,then he wil take me 2 wisata kuliner too.i beat most of my msia frens duno wats wisata kuliner.tats is a trip which v eat da whole day...ahha~~sounds ncie ritez?he wil take me 2 eat seafood..etc.wah,im looking 4ward 4 it..wakaka...n i miss him too..i sad cos he din reply me..haiz..damn bored la,without his jokes.but at least i can concentrate on my study..hehe~~

2molo is last day of my holiday..pengsan ady..watever..jz take it ezy...i miss my papa,mama,baby ann and baby boy...miss u guys so muachss..and my darling jojo and bubbly dear..of course i misss u tooo...^^

XOXO Tian tian

Group work

Information Technology. What is this that influences our life so much? It’s all around us; it partially dictates us; it’s practically a crucial part of our life. From the moment we awake, IT greets us (in the form of our mobile phones), until the hour we retire to our slumber, IT hushes us onto the journey to dreamland (this being the task of the awesome i-pod). With this in mind, we can say that IT is here to stay. But as the field of IT continues to be developed into a higher level, we as human beings often forget to consider some of the small, though not insignificant, issue regarding IT. One of which being the implications that IT would have on our life and of its effects to the world that we live in, and subsequently our future.
One of the fields in which IT is often utilised is that of security. Not in the sense of preventing robbers from entering our houses, but more specifically security in terms of protecting our private information that are considered sensitive. Most of the time, unless an efficient, feasible and effective method is devised to guarantee the privacy of the users, problems such as identity theft etc, would continue to bother us in the future. The irony of the whole thing is that although many parties have assured their fellow users, the threat posed by unscrupulous characters like “hackers” is all too real and true.
All a “hacker” needs to do in order to dig out, for example, our credit card numbers, is a programme and a few very general information that are related to us. They can just hack into the bank’s database with the assistance of a few programmes available, exposing our confidential banking information.
Governments and law enforcement agencies often try their best to exterminate such problems, but in reality, the masterminds behind all these troubles are often hard to track down. They operate under the shadows of the almost infinite cyber world, using a variety of aliases and false identities, which could take ages to detect. By the time they are traced, too much time could have been wasted, and the suspect would by then have taken his share and fled into obscurity.
Most of the time, such malicious acts are driven by greed. But there are also those who are not drawn by the scent of money, but instead have only one purpose in mind, that is, to disrupt someone’s life. Think of it for a moment. Why would someone want to hack into our e-mail account? And why do people want to create viruses like Trojan Horse etc? It’s surely not because of money. No. These people are not motivated by greed, but they are doing it just for fun. Some just want to experience the “thrill”. Called it sheer madness or whatever you like, they give no heed to others.
If such sensitive information were to fall into the wrong hands, the repercussions would be catastrophic. Imagine someone using your ATM PIN numbers to withdraw cash from your account, and not forgetting, using our credit cards to purchase items online. Also, our identities could be forged, and sold to those who are engaged in a host of unspeakable deeds. I once heard about someone in Malaysia who got in trouble with the Registration Department, because suddenly the department recorded him as “deceased”. Apparently there was another person who held an identical identity card, and that person was killed in an accident. Our stolen personal details could also be used by criminals to frame us for a crime that we did not commit.
Since its first appearance, IT has so far been beneficial to advancement of the human race. Through IT, our lives have dramatically changed from a time where gears and steam rule, to an age where almost everything depends on electronics. The IT era is here to stay definitely; no one can dispute that fact anymore. Nevertheless, the negative sides of IT are still real, and unless we strife to counter these, the problems posed will continue to haunt us as long as IT exists.

First assignment^^ should i start my blog?This is my first time to have a blog.I never have my own blog before,my feelings are kept in my diary.I convey my feelings and thought to my dear diary.Those is something private and I like to keep it as a secret.I still remember once my friend ask me:’Tian,why you use a diary instead of a blog?Nowadays,youngster use blog where they can share feelings.’In my point of view,i dont like those so call “IT” bothering me.If we don’t handle it properly,it will be like a silent intruder which give negative implications in my life.

However my IT lecturer,Mr Budi gave me an assignment,my firts assignment.haha~~The title is ‘What I miss the most when there is no Information Technogy?’. I sat beside the window and think whole day about what should i write.Although this assingment is not tough,I still try my best to do the best.I will definetely miss my laptop the most.As a student I depend alot on laptop or computer.Homework and assingments have to be done by using a computer program such as Microsoft Words,Powerpoint etc. I didn’t bring my laptop together with me.It is quite difficult for me to share it with my friends because they have their own ‘business’ with their own laptop.Anyway,I still will finish my assignment.So no worries,Mr Budi.i will finish on time.HAHA!!

Besides,I can surr internet by using laptop.It is quite hard to find information from books because its not convenient to bring a thick book around.ITB books is quite outdated.I hardly find a book that is publish lately.A lot of subjects in university require extra information form internet.It is easy access to internet.I can keep in touch with my family and friends in Malaysia.I will chill out at a nearby cafe with WIFI connection and sign in my MSN.Chatting with my beloved family n friends in MSN is cheaper than using text messages.

When i feel bored or lonely I will tune into nice songs in my laptop.I downloaded various variety of songs from hip hop,pop to rock.Japanese pop and rock is my favourite.Money can be save by decreasing the expenses in buying MP3 and DVD player.Movies and drama can be watch by using DVD player attach in laptop.Im a typical girl who like to take picture of myself.I will take picture and edit it in my laptop,there is special program for editing photos.I will upload all my photos into my frenster and facebook web page.Laptop is a multi purpose electrical gadget.I will probably die without laptop.Haha~~I feel uncomfortable without my laptop.

Laptop give lot of advantages to me,but I wun depend so much on it until i dont have time for myself,my family and friends. As a human,we can think properly and divide our time between work,entertainment and LAPTOP!!!!!!