Tuesday, December 15


What the hell is gong on with me today?? I couldn't wake up early in the morning, i haven't started my revision for Microbiology and Organic lab test. Oh My God!!!! Today just not that into me,i guess. I totally screwed up my paper for Microbiology. WTF!!!!

Now im stuck in half way doing my Organic lab report...jeezzz...what a f-king day.Seriously,im not that OK today. Had a bad dream last night,grrrr...a**holes and jacka** appeared in my dream. HELL YEAH!! AGAIN!!At least give me some prediction on the questions that going to come out today.WTH!!

It started out kinda bad,i hope it will end it well tonight...>< Tomorrow exam again!!!!! I just want to get out of this,all this stuff that bother me!!
