Tuesday, May 19


Today SAS was terrible,and it was drop dead boring.zzzzz.Stars,moon,planets,white drawf....What is art?What is the difference between art and design?OMG,i just noe i tembak all the answers.but today in the exam hall was fun,we all talked and did nonsense rather than concentrate on the paper.haha..nice exam ever

Went dating with Caryn,watched 'Angel and Demon'..A fantastic movie,i dont know how to describe the feeling after I watched.But its really a nice movie.I don't mind watch it again.hehe.
Tomorrow need to wake up early and go imigration for re-entry cop.Just for the cop i need to wait for 1 week.Crazy..damn crazy!!

I went crazy over the same THING!!!OMG,please help me...