Saturday, October 11

haiz....damn sad 2day..

Raining again....i spend the whole day stay at home,i tink i nearly bcome a pig now..oink!oink!!ahha~~reali lazy to go out,i rather stay at home bcome a lazy bum.LOL.its cold of my fren frm bandung told me that those months which ended wit "ber" surely is raining season..Oh gosh,raining season??are u kidding me??i nid 2 go to uni everyday without a CAR.i hv 2 take my lil shaky blue umbrella and rush for angkot in rain.I cant imagine tat situation.hahaha.i wan my car.i dunlike angkot.Its very pack for most of the time,and the people in da angkot wil stare at us when v speak in diff language.OMG!!

But i hope v can extend our holiday, i can jz relax,chill and lazy at home with tat cozy feeling.haha~~but after lebaran v hv exam every friday,and i not yet study anythg..lazy mah.n our calculus result coming soon....deng,deng, i tried my best,so i jz 4gt it..

wat i did tis whole week?duno,but i spend most of the time messaging this cute and ganteng indonesia chinese guy..hahaha~~he is funy n he is nice..i like him very very much(ehem,as a fren.dun simply tink ya??)i LOVE to chat wit him,he wil take me to pagandaran during December!!YEAH!i was damn hapy,then he wil take me 2 wisata kuliner too.i beat most of my msia frens duno wats wisata kuliner.tats is a trip which v eat da whole day...ahha~~sounds ncie ritez?he wil take me 2 eat seafood..etc.wah,im looking 4ward 4 it..wakaka...n i miss him too..i sad cos he din reply me..haiz..damn bored la,without his jokes.but at least i can concentrate on my study..hehe~~

2molo is last day of my holiday..pengsan ady..watever..jz take it ezy...i miss my papa,mama,baby ann and baby boy...miss u guys so muachss..and my darling jojo and bubbly dear..of course i misss u tooo...^^

XOXO Tian tian


Anonymous said...

hey gal so fast fishing indon guy edy arh? summore like him n miss him very very much ehem ehem... how u noe him 1? when wan2 introduce to us eh?? hahahaha!

tIan TiAn said...

hahaha~~u r so gud,da 1st one 2 gv me love u, la,jz fren nia la..u dun tink so much.wakaka.jz like i miss u mah.sure wil,mayb tat time is u like him loh..wakaka