Saturday, October 11

First assignment^^ should i start my blog?This is my first time to have a blog.I never have my own blog before,my feelings are kept in my diary.I convey my feelings and thought to my dear diary.Those is something private and I like to keep it as a secret.I still remember once my friend ask me:’Tian,why you use a diary instead of a blog?Nowadays,youngster use blog where they can share feelings.’In my point of view,i dont like those so call “IT” bothering me.If we don’t handle it properly,it will be like a silent intruder which give negative implications in my life.

However my IT lecturer,Mr Budi gave me an assignment,my firts assignment.haha~~The title is ‘What I miss the most when there is no Information Technogy?’. I sat beside the window and think whole day about what should i write.Although this assingment is not tough,I still try my best to do the best.I will definetely miss my laptop the most.As a student I depend alot on laptop or computer.Homework and assingments have to be done by using a computer program such as Microsoft Words,Powerpoint etc. I didn’t bring my laptop together with me.It is quite difficult for me to share it with my friends because they have their own ‘business’ with their own laptop.Anyway,I still will finish my assignment.So no worries,Mr Budi.i will finish on time.HAHA!!

Besides,I can surr internet by using laptop.It is quite hard to find information from books because its not convenient to bring a thick book around.ITB books is quite outdated.I hardly find a book that is publish lately.A lot of subjects in university require extra information form internet.It is easy access to internet.I can keep in touch with my family and friends in Malaysia.I will chill out at a nearby cafe with WIFI connection and sign in my MSN.Chatting with my beloved family n friends in MSN is cheaper than using text messages.

When i feel bored or lonely I will tune into nice songs in my laptop.I downloaded various variety of songs from hip hop,pop to rock.Japanese pop and rock is my favourite.Money can be save by decreasing the expenses in buying MP3 and DVD player.Movies and drama can be watch by using DVD player attach in laptop.Im a typical girl who like to take picture of myself.I will take picture and edit it in my laptop,there is special program for editing photos.I will upload all my photos into my frenster and facebook web page.Laptop is a multi purpose electrical gadget.I will probably die without laptop.Haha~~I feel uncomfortable without my laptop.

Laptop give lot of advantages to me,but I wun depend so much on it until i dont have time for myself,my family and friends. As a human,we can think properly and divide our time between work,entertainment and LAPTOP!!!!!!