Sunday, March 8

A millions times to worry

A million times to worry,
A million things to do,

The things we must remember
Are a million or two.

I wish we didn't worry
All the million times we could,
Then maybe we'd remember
Those two million things we should.

But we are in the middle,
The school of in-betweens,
Our time to think is little
so that our brains are
wiped out clean.

But being in the middle
Has advantages; it's true,

We see forwards or backwards,
Whether tickled pink or blue.
The middle, average, median, mean,
Not one thing has a meaning

To us, the changing in-betweens,
We're all diverse and differing.
And even with the hustle,
The bustle, hocus pocus, too,

We might just have a good time
In this school each year anew.