Tuesday, February 24


Where should i start?How should i start?Its a very very troublesome and miserable week.A lot of stress and crazy stuff happened.I cant really take it if my family and friends not there for me.

I know where is my mistakes and i already try to fix it.Cant people just give chances?Some can see my changes but why not all??When i know people talking bout me behind my back im so sad,there is nothg i can do.I cant talk to anyone and i cant do anything.I cry but people will say i EMO,so i cant do anything.I will talk to my mom,she is always there for me.I guess i cry till i have no more tears.

What will people think if they get accuse by something that they never do it?Blaming each other,and shouting at each other.I feel tired of all this.I hope things will get settle soon.I don't want the misunderstandings carry from first semester to second semester,and from first year to second year.Im exhausted.

This week i gonna finish this,i will try my very best to do everything that i can.If it wont settle i guess i gonna leave and drop it.


ray_ap88 said...

wei, whats up with u? u can tell me u know... :)